Proudly Serving the Children of Clark County since 1969

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Raven L’s Story

I am a very strong and confident woman. I was put into the foster care system with my younger brother Shaun. We were taken from our undeserving birth mother and were sent into foster care and sent to Child Haven. I endured 8 long terrible years in the foster care system moving from one foster family to another, one even more terrible than the one before it, while my brother got adopted when he was 8 years old. I ended up in foster homes where I was abused and fed nothing but pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The whole experience was harmful to my health let alone my whole being. I aged out of the foster care system when I turned 18. Then I entered into the Independent Living program until I turned 21.

Although I graduated high school with honors, I tried college to become an art teacher but had to drop out due to a terrible man I chose that was abusive and controlling. I was able to build up my confidence and find my worth to leave him and find out who I was as a person. I worked many different jobs trying to find my place in this world like building stages for concerts, retail, and now Information Technology. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger … I always say.

Bad experiences or people can bring you down, but they can’t keep you from becoming stronger. I am sure there are good foster parents. I was able to find one my last year in care which helped me have faith in the system. Bad ones do slip through the cracks looking for easy money. Despite the deficiencies in the foster care system, I am a Foster Care Advocate sharing my story and volunteering for the past 13-years including the last 10- years with Child Focus, part of St. Jude’s Ranch for Children.

I can only hope that improvements will be made to the foster care system by telling my story so that victimized children do not have to go through what I went through. I am now going to school seeking a fashion degree giving me an opportunity to show my skills and do something that I love. I am happily married as of 1-year ago to a wonderful man who shares a similar upbringing surviving the foster care system. My family, my work, and my relationships are examples of my confidence living a normal life after struggling for so long.

I hope my success story imparts confidence in the lives of foster children everywhere. Thank you, Children’s Service Guild, for letting me share my story …the beginning…